These 6 Channels are ESSENTIAL to integrate into your value system in life if you want to live free from pain and full of VIBRANT ENERGY!
I was reading Dr Morse's book today The Detox Miracle Sourcebook where he shares simple, clear, effective and valid keys to understanding the human body and all it's various systems. One of the insights I gleamed today from this powerful tome was this idea of these 6 channels or gateways of nourishing our soul or destructing it. It's so simple, once we own it and live it - to experience a pain-free life. Now, I will be the first to admit that I need help and I am committed to learning this type of information and actually remembering what I have always known. Just think about these 6 channels and what types of things you CHOOSE to put into them every day. Dr. Morse often talks about how our bodies are really just a bunch of cells and two fluids. We all know now that Who We Are is much more than our physical bodies...but we also know that ALL THINGS and NON-THINGS are connected. So what we think and feel even have an effect on these two fluids that carry out our life experience. These two fluids are blood (carries nutrients and energy to the cells and tissues of the body) and lymph (which helps to carry away the exhaust or waste out of our tissues and cells). It's that easy. So what you are eating, drinking, thinking, feeling, putting on your skin or breathing is either allowing those fluids to FLOW FREELY and ABUNDANTLY or stagnate them and slow them down. Neither way is right or wrong, it's just a matter of what you would like to experience. And it just so happens that the Vital Life Foundation is a livity (lifestyle) that encourages and empowers others to maintain a radiant, powerful, loving flow of the vital life force and of these two main fluids. How you Think: "I love myself" = FLOW "I hate myself" = STAGNATION How you Feel: Acceptance and Appreciation = FLOW Resentment and Judgment = STAGNATION What you Breathe: Long, Slow, Deep and Consciously = FLOW Short, Shallow, Unconsciously = STAGNATION What you Put on Your Skin: Natural Herbs, Foods and Organic Edible Products = FLOW Toxic Soaps, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals = STAGNATION What you Drink: Living Structured, Antioxidant Rich, Alkalinizing Fluids = FLOW Dead acidic-forming toxic liquids = STAGNATION What you Eat: Fresh, Living and Cultured Foods = FLOW Dead, Processed, Denatured Foods = STAGNATION I've laid it out in pretty simple terms and we could write a whole book just on this subject, but I think you get the idea - and hopefully this is a supportive and enlightening reminder of how you can LOVE YOURSELF and your PLANET even more today and tomorrow. Did you know that oxygen is the key element to having excellent health?
If you are facing health issues or simply want to rejuvenate your mind and body, I highly recommend incorporating the methods outlined in this article into your life. Low levels of oxygen are the primary cause behind ill-health, including cancer, fatigue, memory loss and depression. And wherever pain is present in the body, oxygen is greatly deficient. Of course, we naturally breathe in oxygen without even thinking about it, getting enough to sustain our lives. But to live a life with incredible health, physically and mentally, much more oxygen is required. Most people today have shallow breathing due to a lack of exercise, not breathing properly, having sedentary jobs such as working at computers, and a lack of fresh air. The majority of people use only 25-33% of their lung capacity! This starves the body more than if it’s deprived of food robbing it of its most vital, invisible nourishment – oxygen. Without sufficient oxygen the body cannot properly utilize the food we eat and drink, no matter how nutritional it may be. While our bodies require many daily nutrients to thrive, oxygen is the single most important nutrient taken into the body – and it’s FREE! Increasing the level of oxygen intake is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. Here is a short list of what Oxygen promotes the body to do: • Creates energy (by nourishing the cells) • Digests and assimilates food properly and powerfully • Metabolizes fat and carbohydrates • Helps the body to manufacture hormones, proteins and other vital chemicals • Regulates pH levels • Clean and detoxify the whole body • Destroy harmful viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungus • Maintain a strong and healthy Immune System• Calms the mind and relaxes the body Harmful germs and viruses live off undigested food, drawing extra power from toxins/contaminants found in the bloodstream. Incorporating daily methods to increase oxygen levels can prevent this from happening. Now onto the good stuff! Here are three simple methods to increase levels of oxygen in your body: 1. A quick way to increase oxygen levels is through using essential oils, topically and/or internally. I do both. Essential oils are the highest oxygenating substances known to man derived from various parts of plants and trees, which are loaded with oxygen. Applying essential oils to your body greatly increases oxygen levels, removes toxins, destroys viruses/harmful bacteria, and strengthens the immune system all at the same time. They are incredible gifts in small packages provided by nature. For additional information on essential oils, click on Young Living articles. 2. Practicing Power Breathing by taking deep slow breathes in the nose and out of the mouth while sitting or standing. Power Breathing conditions the lungs to expand and release poisonous carbon dioxide gases that otherwise deposit back into the bloodstream, causing increased toxicity. Again, it’s FREE! I also apply essential oils while practicing Power Breathing to optimize my oxygen levels. I love my oils! 3. I incorporate a variety of exercise. My favorite is practicing Laughter Yoga. It not only increases oxygen levels but rids the body of stress, leaving you in an incredible state of bliss. The endorphin release you experience is far greater than any drug, alcoholic beverage, or pain medication available! What’s not to like? As such, I am starting Laughter Yoga classes in my area. So if you’re interested, contact me. If your life or body aren’t in the shape you want them to be, then breathe deeply and watch the changes unfold. Oxygen brings great things to life…and so it is. |
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