Over 50 Million Americans suffer with some form of allergy. Are you one of them? or do you know someone who has allergies? What causes allergies? There are many types of allergies but all of them can be linked to an 'enzyme deficiency.' Enzymes, as Dr. Edward Howell put it, are the "spark of life." Without enzymes life would not exist and nothing would happen - anywhere. Because enzymes are the bio-catalyst for ever chemical reaction in our bodies, when we begin loosing our 'enzyme potential' things stop working properly in our bodies. In his famous book "Enzyme Nutrition," Dr. Howell explains that when our bodies are bombarded with cooked foods, toxins, negative emotions and other stressors, our metabolic enzyme pool is used up. What does that mean...well basically when our enzymes get used up we are not longer able to process and metabolize our nutrients like we used to. This results in UNDIGESTED FOOD PARTICLES that get stuck in our blood stream and tissues of our bodies. When these foreign particles float around in our bodies they create what are known as allergens. And then when we are exposed to an irritating substance, such as cat fur, pollen, dust etc...those allergens are also irritated and our bodies begin to expel them at their best. Usually through the nose, lungs, skin etc...which leads to scratchy throat, red eyes, runny nose, rashes etc... How Can Get Rid of Allergies Naturally? You may have figured it out already, but obviously if you don't have the enzymes to break down those allergens floating around in the system naturally increasing your enzyme potential is going to be a vital, safe, natural solution to getting rid of allergies. One of the BEST things you can do is EAT MORE LIVING FOODS - and Cultured Foods. When you eat foods that are high in enzymes you don't tax your digestive system and strip your enzyme pool. This can help get rid of allergies also. If you are willing to try something new, enzyme therapy could be a crucial key to your success. To learn more about enzymes and enzyme therapy check out www.EnzymesAndProbiotics.com The enzymes in particular that help digest allergens are Amylase and Protease. These two enzymes help break down undigested carbohydrates and proteins. Another great way to squash allergies is STOP EATING COOKED carbohydrates...this quickly going to rob your body of the essential enzymes needed for energy, brain function etc... If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below and I will be happy to respond! Myth 1. Once you take enzymes your body becomes dependent upon them.This is one of the most common misconceptions that people have. First of all just air and water, enzymes are absolutely required to sustain ALL LIFE...I obviously don't mean the enzymes that are encapsulated, but enzymes in all plant and animal life. Every bio-chemical process requires enzymes for the transference of one substance into another... What this means is that we would not live without enzymes. If the enzymes in your body die then you die. So weather you are getting these enzymes from you foods or a plant-based enzyme formula, those enzymes are simply helping your body to stay alive and well. Also, remember that if we were living in a pristine environment where the soil was super rich in enzymes and minerals, then we would need to take enzymes at all. If we were growing our own food with clean water and eating it fresh from the garden and we knew what minerals and nutrients were going into that soil then enzymes wouldn't be necessary. Enzymes are the spark of life. The word enzyme mean "in" "culture" - it's alive! Myth 2. You can die from taking enzymes.Now this is a silly assumption, but of course just like anything else you can always to too much of something. Fortunately if you take 100 enzymes at once (which DO NOT recommend) the worst thing that could happen is that you will be in the bathroom the whole next day...and you could have some detox reactions. Even if someone dies because they have a MAJOR detox response, it's not the enzymes that killed the person it's the toxins in the body that got recirculated into the bloodstream and created auto-intoxication. The likelihood of that happening is tremendously low - but I mention it just for clarity. Myth 3. Enzymes are addictive.This is like saying oxygen is addictive. The only reason why enzymes might be addictive is because after taking them you might FEEL REALLY GOOD. But the thing is you are simply processing the nutrients in your body more efficiently which is what gives you more bio-available energy and therefore you are actually are addicted to FEELING GOOD. The enzymes are just a catalyst. And like I mentioned before, if you are eating a lot of RAW, LIVING, CULTURED foods from fresh mineral and enzyme rich soil you would have the same or actually an even better experience. So enzymes just help to process and metabolize our nutrients more effectively and powerfully. Myth 4. You can take too many enzymes.This is very much related to the "too many enzymes = death" myth. The BEST way to take enzymes is in smaller doses for a longer period of time. If you take too many at once your stools will be a lot looser and you may get diarrhea like symptoms - which may not be a bad thing because you are getting rid of the junk. However, it's a lot more advantageous to take enzymes in smaller doses for longer periods of time so that the enzymes can really get deep into the system and process the undigested matter that might be stuck in the blood, organs and tissues. Myth 5. Enzymes are used to culture your food.A lot of people think that you can use enzymes to culture foods like sauerkraut and yogurts and cheeses. This is a reasonable misunderstanding and the truth is it's PROBIOTICS that are used to culture our foods. Enzymes do not proliferate and multiply like probiotics do.
Enzymes are grown on a plant-based medium and are grown like a healthy bacteria - however the difference is, once an enzyme has done it's job (like convert a protein to amino acids) it is finished, whereas a Probiotic will do it's job and continue to multiply. To learn more about enzymes and probiotics: Click Here. |
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