Have you experienced the shifting of energy within yourself or in your environment from the transformation into 2013? Are you experiencing more and or different emotions? Every cell of our bodies are mini bio-computers...each cell is like a tiny body that is governed by our emotionally charged thoughts (which form our beliefs over time). As cosmic energies are more perceptible by us humans, we must have the ability to process and interpret the significance of these waves of energy if we are to ride the cosmic waves into the magnificent future we are co-creating for ourselves. You may be feeling more deeply than ever before, or maybe you are feeling different emotions than you've ever felt. If feelings of anger or resentment or frustration keep coming up for you, with your relationships, your career, your money, your health, just know that these are here for you to gain something profound and empowering. An insight or a lesson is hidden within each of these emotions, for you to unlock and reveal. If you can take the time each day to SIT QUIETLY and listen and feel what your body has to say, you can begin interpreting experiences or situations in a new light! New interpretations create new feelings, which in turn fertilizes the field of energy for new experiences! Life is all about perspective...and when we can see traumas and abuses and situations or experiences, that once brought fear or resentment into our gut, as opportunities for MORE LOVE, more PEACE and more FORGIVENESS, we take back our power - WE EMPOWER OURSELVES with the energy and awareness to heal ourselves from the inside out. We are equipped with everything we need to heal our bodies - there is no food, doctor, medicine, shaman, healer, herb or program that will heal us directly. WE ARE OUR OWN HEALERS... And yes going to classes and going through new programs and reading books, and taking herbs are all fun and great, however YOU are the one that makes the decision to allow yourself to experience healing and transformation from frustration or fear to FORGIVENESS, Harmony and LOVE! Remember you create ALL experiences and people and situations in your life, and until you own this reality you will constantly blame others and give away your power to be the director and creator of your own life. Instead of watching television - how about Tell-Your-Own-Vision. The more you use your imagination and visualize the life you are wanting (even for 3 minutes a few times a day) you will begin to take control over your life experience and begin creating your life consciously. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Are you AWARE of what you are thinking and feeling? This can be one of the most difficult things to master: being aware of your thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts are so distant and invisible that it can be very difficult, at times, to be aware of them - especially once you are out in the world and off of your meditation cushion. Remember when you start to experience a situation that brings up challenging emotions that those emotions are there to show you something about yourself - you might be clearing very old programs from your childhood about how you respond to certain things, or it could even be DNA programs that you have taken on from your distant relatives. Whatever the cause - it's a great idea, if you want to be FREE, to take conscious note of the emotions that arise, and sit with them and ask "why have I created this for myself. AND LISTEN. Journal. And let go and let GOD. Your body knows everything. Your mind and programs can get in the way, unless you make a relaxed effort to AFFIRM and DECREE that YOU are now going to decide a new program and rise above to a higher level or perception - so that you can allow the most AMAZING and PROFOUND experiences into your reality! You Are LOVED, Adored and Appreciated beyond measure! Let us know your thoughts and comments! |
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November 2015