The Vital Life Platform is really a lifestyle; it's a way of being. The word "vital" signifies anything that is a manifestation of life. Therefore, anything that is "Vital" is life-generating. There are particular tools and ways of being that are essential to living a radiant, vibrant lifestyle - we are committed to providing these vital tools and the knowledge that enhances your understanding and commitment to a vital living way of life.
Our VisionEvery breath precious breath. We have the capacity to realize the highest vision we can possibly fathom for ourselves and all-the-world, for our families, for our friends and the world community; we allow ourselves to live freely, abundantly and harmoniously through devoting attention each day to connect with The Source of Life - our Infinite Self - and through enjoying raw, living, cultured, enzyme-rich foods, and foods that increase our vitality and life-force, being with Nature and the elements, and through practicing gratitude and love for yourself and one another.
Imagine Harmony | Imagine Love |
Our PurposeTo provide awareness of Four Universal Principles of Life, vital tools, techniques, classes and products to carry you through the process of life with royal radiance, joy, abundance and harmony.
The primary goal of living a vital lifestyle is to maintain cellular integrity and continually allow the increase of life energy within your mind, body and infinite, unlimited soul.
Our Service to you is to share FOUR BASIC PRINCIPLES OF LIFE, essential tools and revolutionary information, supportive to creating an abundant, radiant, lean, clean and serene lifestyle. We are simply here to remind you of your True Nature and Who You Really Are...You are a spiritual, electro-chemical, unlimited, being, with unlimited potential! And life can only get better - for it is the natural progression of all things - betterment. In Love, Tyler & Dodee & The Vital Life Family |