Consulting Appointment An inspiring look at your whole life to see what's working and what isn't working and fine-tuning the art of living.
Personal Yoga Session
Experience balance through stretching, breath-work, meditation and much more to go deeper into your personal development.
$150 each
Private Food Preparation Class (Minimum 5 people)
4 - 5 hours of powerful, delicious, raw foods, living foods, cultured foods, how to prepare these foods and understand their power.
Pantry Cleanse
A clear look into your kitchen and pantry to educate and inform you of what you are currently doing and how you can begin to improve your patterns. Empowerment toward a healthier lifestyle for your family and the planet.
Grocery Trip
A fun journey to the local health food store or farmers market to show you what to put into your cart or bag and what you can do with it all!
Living Space Detox
Kitchen, bathroom, living space, cleanse includes water awareness, shampoos, soaps, household cleaners, perfumes, and how to lessen the EMF pollution in your home.