How do you feel about your skin? You've got lots of it....about 8-10 pounds to be exact, and people are mostly concerned with the skin on there what? FACE - Right...we all want to Look Good. So to give you a vital little secret that we love to use, pretty much on a daily basis, is the pretty well known green pokey plant called Aloe Vera. This plant is not only good for the skin, but because of it's high silica content, along with enzymes, minerals, anti-microbials, amino acids, and polysaccarides (beneficial sugars). Aloe is also great for the hair, nails, bones, eyes and teeth. When used internally it's great for digestive issues such as gas, bloating, and more severe conditions like ulcers, gastritis or Crohn's Disease. So what are the best ways to consume it? There are a couple of ways to consume aloe. You can either buy it from your local health store in the vitamins section, or you can often times find it in the form of the whole leaf in the produce section. We always go for the whole leaf, as fresher is better! Right? Once you get your fresh leaf, you simply fillet it with a knife but cutting the green skin off (careful of the spikes!) Sometimes we blend it up in our smoothies; sometimes we make a cocktail with it by blending the aloe gel inside the blender with grapefruit or orange and lemon; sometimes we just cut it up and through in our mouths and chew it up and swallow. Most people don't use the aloe skin. However, it does have it's benefits as we will leave that up to you. Just always be sure to cut off the spikes. We'd love to hear your feedback...and if you're looking for a good book on the benefits and how to use aloe more in depth, here is a GREAT RESOURCE: Simply Click Here. Peace be with you, The Vital Life Foundation Family What does the Color of LIFE smell like...That is sort of a strange question...but it's fun to think about. You may think of the smell of flowers, or fresh air, or the sweet and sour smell of a morning Lemon Ginger Blast!
To me, life is the smell of a dark chlorophyll-rich green liquid. Mmmmmmm I love it! Most people Green Juice is probably one of my most cherished medicines...It's alkalinizing, mineralizing, hydrating, enzymalizing, detoxifying, energizing, and it's probably doing things inside my body that are Sooooo beneficial that I will never even know about. If you have the opportunity to drink GREEN JUICE - DO IT! Your body will LOVE YOU and THANK YOU for it. When Green Juice started to get popular it was usually strictly green vegetable juice. Nowadays a Green Juice is pretty much any sort of juice that has Greens in it...some like it strong, some don't. Here is one of my FAVORITE Juices to cleanse, detoxify and alkalinize the system:
You can change out the greens with any other green veggies that you like, such as kale, parsley, collards and others. For some amazing Green Juice Recipes check out our dear friend Dan McDonald's YouTube Station: This is a basic detox bath that I learn from my dear brother and mentor, Lou Corona. Lou has shared some of the most useful and practical knowledge I know, that has assisted me in accelerating the cleansing and healing process just as the wise elders, shamans and healers of the world have done for ages. I feel so honored and privileged to have attracted Lou into my life to remind me of how truly amazing and blessed we are - and to have such simple, natural, organic methods to heal ourselves - for we are the ones we have been waiting for! Anyway, here's that awesome recipe for the Detox Bath that he shared with me. Basic Detox Bath Recipe:
What are the Benefits of a this Basic Detox Bath? After Lou shared the recipe with me he said, "take the water as hot as you can stand it, and what's going to happen is, your going to be sitting inside of alkalinized water, it's going to open up your pores, draw toxins out of your system, relax the muscles, and it's going to make you feel so much better!"
Take it as hot as you can stand it and stay in as long as you can without getting dizzy. If you can handle 5 minutes, do that. If you can handle 15, do that. Because if you are toxic, you WILL go into detox mode and could get dizzy, and you won't be able to get up. So take it easy and LOVE YOURSELF through it. And when you are all finished just rinse off with cold water. |
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