We share what we feel to be the most vital information for living the most radiant, abundant, tuned-in and turned-on life. This post is precisely intended to fulfill that mission and vision. You are most likely aware of the Four Principles of Life by now and so this blog is narrowing in on the importance of Cellular Communication and Cellular Environment as it relates specifically to what you put on to adorn your Spirit's vessel - your beloved body! Get ready to receive the top 3 reasons why wearing custom tailored, natural and organic clothing is as important as what you put in your body. There are hundreds if not thousands of conscious and organic companies in the market providing stellar clothing, with all natural, organic, non-gmo textiles and fabrics. Your skin is the largest organ of your body; you might want to think bigger about how you can nourish, feed and relieve your skin from the harsh chemicals and toxins that are bombarding it. According to a study done by the American Journal of Public Health, where they looked into the skin’s absorption rates, different toxins and chemicals in drinking water definitely enter the bloodstream and body. The study demonstrated that the skin absorbs an average of 64% of total contaminant dosage.1 Another study found the facial cells to be way more permeable than most of the surfaces on the body and an absorption rate of 100% under the armpits and sex organs. 2 Another peer-reviewed study showed 100% absorption for fragrance ingredients. 3 It's clear that what we put on our body goes into our body. Just as Cellular Nutrition is a foundational principle and a critical key to living radiantly, what we surround ourselves within our environment absorbs into our being. Not only the chemicals or nutrients that we put on our skin, through shampoos, conditioners, soaps etc, but also the sounds, the colors, the frequencies surely enter our body systems and influence our perception and experience of life. This brings us to the Top 3 Reasons Your Clothes are as Important as Your Food
To get started on designing your own custom-tailored outfits, here is a phenomenal source to customize and design your own hemp suits, jackets, pants, shirts and the like: Connect with a Master Tailor today with World Renowned Company Ravi's Tailor. If you are ready to transform the way you feel about yourself and directly begin changing the world for the better, then get up with a Master Tailor and design your first or next custom tailored suit that will wow the world, boost your confidence and stand for what you want to see in the world! Footnotes:
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November 2015