LAW OF ATTRACTION | LAW OF REDEMPTION | LAW OF REFLECTIONIf you are ready to embark on a conscious Journey on a platform of PURE Reflection and literal Redemption then you are ready for Into The Mythica. A showcasing and storytelling of the Principles and Laws of the Underworlds, Overworlds and Innerworlds that form and shape our Earth Plane.
Exaltation of the MAHA DEVA is the theme and focus. Utilizing this platform to Know Yourself deeper and clearer than ever before is the name of the game. Not only will this be a place for artists, writers and the like it will be a place for inspiration and POWERFUL LASTING reminders of people's personal and REAL experiences of The Mythica Herself - and how powerful She is - for she is We and our Living Story. Imagine thelling the story in graphic novel form about how the surface world is the shallowest plane of the Creation and the worlds beyond worlds are more profound and REAL than we have been programmed to believe. The Mythica Project is a literal and vivid medium for documenting, validating and solidifying our interrelated connections between ourselves and the Dimensions of ALL LIFE that we travel through. You will receive multiple angles, stories and perspectives on how the Law, Principles and Pillars of Life actually work and how to use them to CREATE YOUR DIVINE & DELIBERATE LIFE! Get ready to experience a platform where we share and receive video, audio, book and other formats and material that dive deep within the realms of mythology and fairy, the planes of consciousness and tools and techniques for mastering Yourself and Manifesting Heaven and Earth. You have no idea what is about to unfold when it comes to graphical and comicbook styled moving picture - clickable - hyperglyphs depicting the realms beyond the five senses and time and space. The realms that are always present and yet we have been somewhat unaware of until now. These realms are real and have been experienced by many. Into The Mythica is a platform for integration of what's TRUE AND REAL through the Yogas, Sciences, Arts, Healing Arts and Word Sound Power on an Exalted Spiritually Centered & Grounded Marketplace of Exchanging Stories of The Gravity of the Mystic Nature of Life - of You and of Me and of We - this is the Mythica that we cast our stories into... and surely come to know as our experience in this life... Will you choose to enter The Mythica as a viewer for inspiration? Or will you choose to align with the Principles and Laws in your own Conscious Applications and demonstrate how the Laws and Principles Govern Your World. We all travel through the realms of feeling through the five senses and through thinking, dreaming and imagining! We are multidimensional beings with 1 Heart, 2 Sex Organs, 3 Gunas, 5 Tattvas, 8 Chakras, 10 Bodies and many aspects of yourself and as being an organism apart of a larger organism which is made of up billions of organisms. We are all doing our best to live and work in harmony with OurSelf and Ourselves. For the more we come to know the aspects of Ourself the more we can command the Universe to wield our every wish in a Divine and Perfectly Orchestrated Manifestation of Life! These Sacred Arts and Sciences and Mystic Traditions passed through the generations are the elements that make up the Book of the True and Living God of Creation that lives inside ALL LIFE and is played out on the stages of of life. Enjoy the Mythica and She will Enjoy You! ![]() The Vital Life Foundation is more committed than ever to discover and share the most VITAL Principles of Life and Tools that will increase our vitality and well-being so that we can Look and Feel Better Than Ever! If you are SERIOUSLY READY for a MASSIVE SHIFT in your perspective on LIFE...and you are READY for and MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH as it relates to Your Personal Development YOU MUST attend this FREE Webinar EXPERIENCE! Every time I experience it - I HAVE a Breakthrough...I want YOU to have this too! Get UNSTUCK Today - in you Relationship, with Money, With your Career...ANY SUBJECT - you will experience transformation - I guarantee it! Learn more and Register right now before it fills up by visiting |
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November 2015