Therapeutic-grade essential oils are most often extracted via a low-heat steam distillation process in which steam is circulated under pressure through plant material liberating the essential oils into the steam.
As the steam mixture cools, the water and oils naturally separate and the oil is collected in its pure form. To ensure the highest quality oil extract of correct chemical composition, temperature and pressure must be monitored very closely. Too little heat and pressure will not release valuable oil while too much can change an extract's composition and potency. As important as the carefully controlled extraction process is, the careful selection of the correct plant and plant parts harvested at the right time is also required for a successful extraction. This complex process is as much art form as it is science and requires experienced growers and distillers working together to ensure a quality product. (Fact: It takes as much as 12,000 rose blossoms to distill 5 ml of therapeutic- grade essential rose oil.) Steam distillation is by far the most common method of extraction, but some oils such as citrus oils are extracted through a process of compression in which the oil is squeezed from the plant. A very few essential oils are extracted using solvents that bind with the oils and are later removed from the final product. The "spark of life" as Dr. Edward Howell, the Father of Enzyme Therapy, so poetically described what an enzyme is. A more technical description of an enzyme is a protein molecule with electricity running through it. What happens to a light bulb when you put electricity through it? It radiates. Therefore the more enzyme-rich our bodies are the more we will radiate. It's that simple. However, throughout history most humans have programmed themselves to think things, feel things and do things (such as eating cooked foods) that destroy their enzyme potential. Dr. Howell discovered through urine analysis that when we consume cooked foods, overtime our metabolic enzyme pool becomes depleted. He conversely found that when eating foods rich in enzymes for extended periods of time, our endogenous enzymes maintain the optimal levels.
There are three classes of enzymes known to the scientific community:
Enzymes and enzyme therapy is one of the most scientifically studied and documented areas of health and wellness; it's also one of the most unknown areas of natural self-healing. Understanding the importance of and different ways enzymes work in your life is a vital key to mastering the art of living a radiant, vibrant and healthy life. Enzymes serve as the body's labor force, performing every single function in the body and all biological life-forms. Our body is a temple. And all temples have a basic foundation and building blocks to construct it. The building blocks for our body-temple are the Amino Acids, Glucose and Fatty Acids. The tools that are used to construct our temple are the minerals, vitamins, phyto- nutrients and trace minerals. Possibly, one of the most important factors in building a house is the workforce to do the work. That is exactly what the enzymes are. If we understand this important truth, then we will see that enzyme supplementation and consuming raw, living, cultured foods is a major factor in accelerating the cleansing, detoxifying and healing process. It's also a major key to rebuilding and reconstructing our temple. This is known as regeneration. So it makes sense, that as we age, consuming cooked foods, thinking stressful thoughts and over working our bodies we destroy our metabolic enzymes which eventually results in some form of "degenerative disease." To prevent this from occurring, we can develop a love for our bodies and life so much to the point where, all we do is put living enzyme activated foods into our systems, think powerful loving thoughts, and make choices in life that set us up for the glorious life we were designed to live. The reason why we like to use Natural Choice Products enzymes is because they are:
We would love to hear from you with any questions about enzymes or enzyme therapy. Call: 949-690-4002 Peace be the journey. |
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