LiyfZyme 180 | Multi Digestive Enzymes
LiyfZyme is a powerful blend of Full Spectrum, Plant-Based, Highly Active Medial Grade digestive enzymes.
This multiple digestive enzyme formula is composed of 16 different powerful enzymes combined in such a way to cater to any kind of nutritional lifestyle.
Because cooked and raw, even organic foods are enzyme and mineral defficient, using an enzyme supplement to assist your body in breaking down the nutrients is a vital key to radiant health and well-being.
Using all natural whole food enzyme cofactors, LiyfZyme is able to create soothing effects even for those who have extremem heartburn and indigestion. This makes this all-natural, non-synthetic Super Digestive Formula the perfect choice for eveyones livetary - new word for 'dietary' - lifestyle!
BENEFITS: Has helped others with Gas, Bloating, Candida, Indigestion, Bowel Disorders, Drug withrawal, Toxicity, Food allergies, Pain Syndromes, Chemical Sensitivities, Environmental Allergies, Malabsorbtion Syndromes
MAINTENANCE DOSAGE: 2 to 4 caps with each meal
THERAPEUTIC DOSAGE: 5 caps with meals; Please consult your healthcare professional for further cleansing protocols.
SIZE: 180 Count
INGREDIENTS: Protease, Acid Stable Protease, Amylase, Glucoamylase, Lipase, Maltase, Lactase, Cellulase, Invertase, Beta-D-Galactosidase, Alpha-D-Galactosidase, Phytase, SOD (as Catalase), Serratia Peptidase, Papain, Bromelain.
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Quinoa Sprouts, Vegetable Cellulose (Casule)
PuraDyme CoFACTOR WHOLE FOOD FORMULA: Quinoa Sprouts, Fennel Seed, Rose Hips, Orange, Broccoli, Bell Pepper, Carrot Juice.
Protease/Acid Stable Protease: Converts Protein into usable amino acids. Amylase: Converts Carbohydrates and starch into useable energy Glucoamylase:
Converts sugars into usable energy Lipase: Breaks down fats & oils Cellulase: Assists in the breakdown of dietary fiber & helps detoxify cells. Lactase: Helps breakdown Lactose. Invertase: Breaks down sugars into useable energy.
Maltase: Breaks down malt sugars and grains into usable energy. Beta-D-Galactosidase:
Breaks down lactose.
Alpha-D-Galactosidase: Breaks down non- digestible poly saccharides.
Phytase: Breaks down phytic acid in grains & seeds.
Serratia peptidase: Breaks down of arterial plaque.
Papin: Proteolytic enzyme for inflammation reduction.
Bromelain: Breaks down protein & aids in digestion
Super Oxidised Dismutases: Antioxidant that protects cells from toxicity.
PuraDyme Cofactor Whole Food Blend: Quinoa Sprouts, Fennel Seed, Rose Hips, Orange, Broccoli, Bell Pepper, Carrot Juice.