What is MegaHydrate™?MegaHydrate™ is a powerful food-grade antioxidant supplement that promotes essential full-body hydration.
Dehydrated cells cannot properly absorb nutrients or get rid of waste. Over time this leads to nutritional deficiency, cellular oxidation, and a dangerous build up of illness causing toxins. MegaHydrate™ is the key to unlocking the hidden nutrient enhancing potential of water inside your body. It's scientifically tested, safe, and has no known adverse side effects. |
What are the Benefits of MegaHydrate™?
Before taking MegaHydrate™: Clustered cellsThis photograph shows a blood sample from a subject with signs of low Zeta Potential. Notice the blood cells are clustered closely together, making it easy for waste to become trapped between them. This clustering effect is believed to be a direct result of dehydration.
After taking MegaHydrate™: Evenly dispersed cellsThis photograph shows another blood sample taken from the same test subject 20 minutes after being given 500 mg of Silica Hydride, the active ingredient in MegaHydrate™, mixed with 8 oz of ordinary water.
Improved Zeta Potential is indicated by the now evenly dispersed blood cells. Notice that the total surface area occupied by the cells has increased, thereby allowing exponentially more nutrients to enter into the cells, as well as releasing the toxins that were previously trapped between them. |
A Brief History of the Invention of MegaHydrate™
Dr. Patrick Flanagan | Creator of MegaHydrate™
He holds advanced degrees in chemistry, nanotechnology, bio-sciences and medicine. He has credit to over 300 inventions, and was named Scientist of the Year in 1997 by the International Association for New Science. Dr. Flanagan's desire is to share his discoveries with the world in the hope that they may be used to improve human life. Dr. Flanagan has this to say about MegaHydrate™:
What was the inspiration for MegaHydrate™?Dr. Patrick Flanagan spent over three decades studying remote regions of the world where it's not uncommon for people to live healthy, active lives past the age of 100.
While the regional diets differed dramatically, Dr. Flanagan noticed that in nearly all cases the local drinking water came from melted glaciers, and was virtually identical from one area to the next. Upon further investigation, he also discovered that the water from these regions naturally contained massive quantities of negatively-charged hydrogen ions, and that the unique low surface tension these ions created in the water allowed it to facilitate better hydration and nutrient uptake via direct cellular absorption. |
Are You Dehydrated?Dehydration happens easily and affects most people at one time or another. Water loss equal to merely 2% of one's total body weight can measurably impair physiological and mental performance.
Factors that cause dehydration:
Why is MegaHydrate™ so Effective?As an antioxidant, MegaHydrate™ is hundreds of times more powerful than any known source of dietary antioxidants. A single dose contains far more negatively hydrogen ions than eating several pounds of raw fruits and vegetables would yield.
Is MegaHydrate™ Safe?MegaHydrate™ is 100% safe. It has been tested under laboratory conditions for effectiveness against a variety of free radicals, including singlet oxygen, super-oxide, and hydroxyl radicals.
Unlike regular antioxidants, MegaHydrate™ has been shown to fully neutralize existing free radicals without creating any toxic byproducts, or becoming another free radical itself.Each bottle contains 60 capsules. |